Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our Culture's Addiction

"The Addiction of our Culture is Comfort" - Mike Huey

We are addicted to the comfort physical pleasure.  How many times have you heard yourself say, "I don't feel like it?"  That feeling stops you from doing what needs to be done.  True?

Good tasting foods, soft beds with numbers to get the exact comfort level, and comfortable cars are icons of our society.  Capitalism is driven by the desire for comfort.  Someone invents a product people will pay more money than it costs to produce and distribute so that both the customer and the capitalist can have a better, more comfortable life.

However, comfort and the lack of resistance to comfort leads our culture to spend an enormous amount of time and money being entertained.  Many do not want to go through the initial pain (or can I say 'comfort opposition') of creating a budget.  They go further in debt because they don't want to deny themselves the product that will make them more comfortable; even though they don't have the money to pay for it.

Debt and obesity have become the epidemics of our society.  Both have roots in the addiction of comfort and resistance to discomfort.  I would guess most addictions have their roots in an unbridled desire for comfort.

The desire for comfort keeps us mentally in a "comfort zone."  When a challenge or opportunity comes, most people let it go because it is too big, too fast, too difficult.    To grow, however, we must push ourselves to go past what we are comfortable with and go after what we are uncomfortable with.

If we fail- who cares?  We, as individuals have grown through the experience and have stretched what we are comfortable doing.  We will be more comfortable next time trying what is uncomfortable.

P.S.  In a different post I will address the positive areas of comfort such as the gut feeling or 'feeling comfortable with a decision' is good.